Creating brand impressions

Business that do not stand out from the crowd will not generate new and repeat sales. When people can't recall a business name they will move on and buy from the next business. Growth will not occur and the business will eventually wither away. 

We provide branded solutions for businesses that leave a lasting impression. 

When a business brand is quickly and easily recalled, sales enquiry follows. We empower businesses to create positive brand experiences which generate business growth.

Our Story - Inspired by Nature

Brought up in our father's menswear store in the North Island. And on our family South Island sheep farm. We benefited from good kiwi family upbringings. Keen skiers we both spent a lot of time in the mountains. We combined corporate and retail experience when in 2004 we took over an existing commercial printer.

Growing the business with a focus on digital colour to provide quick turnaround vibrant business brochures and signage. When the opportunity to extend into teamwear and business branded clothing presented itself we immediately saw a natural synergy. Coming back to our roots.

Why the Kea?

The kea represents much of the character of our family business. We strive to be negaged with our customers. Delivering uniquely New Zealand service. Our business is always seeking to adapt with new products, styles, media and fabrics, and manufacturing methods. We know that the lasting impression of a brand by use of unexpected and consistent vibrate colour will drive business sales and growth for all our business customers.

Our mission is bringing our customers the widest range of colourful, durable, performance clothing for New Zealand's work and leisure environments.

The Smartest Bird in the World

The Kea is the native mountain parrot of New Zealand. It is colourful, inquisitive and cheeky. It lives in the rugged mountains of New Zealand. A tough environment to exist in.

It's distinctive plummage reflects its cheeky parrot personality. Standing the plummage is shades of green. With subtle highlights of clown like yellow around the nostile and eyes hinting at more. When the kea takes flight the vibrate orange under wing feathers appear. From above a wide array of colour unfolds in a spectacular display of natural beauty. Rugged yet colourful.

The kea is a bird with attitude. It's inquisitive attitude makes it adaptable and friendly. When around people the kea is engaging with a playful intent.

The unexpected delights of nature at it's best.

Kea has been helping businesses connect, communicate and create lasting impressions since 2004. We are a family owned and operated New Zealand business. When your business makes a brand impression, you are increasing the chances of future sales.

Kea operates the following divisions:

Branded Clothing for businesses & schools

Business print & signage

Promotional merchandise

Online Teamwear, Activewear, Polos, Tees & more

Make your brand stand out today!

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